Laser Dentistry
Laser therapy an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation lasers are highly effective in gum treatment also known as periodontics laser energy destroys bacteria and the toxins produced by bacteria not surprisingly laser-assisted scaling and root cleaning have been shown to significantly reduce pockets along the gum line and restore the health of the affected oral cavity figure 1 laser light kills bacteria and diseased tissue figure 2 tartar is removed figure 3 laser finishes cleaning and sterilizing pocket figure 4 healing of gums to clean root surface occurs because they are precision instruments lasers are extremely useful in cosmetic procedures particularly in gum line reshaping procedures that would normally require anesthetic scalpels and sutures can be performed bloodlessly and with less trauma resulting in reduced postoperative swelling and scarring the potential for infections are also reduced significantly when laser is used compared to traditional instruments read about our soft tissue laser